#29: Pratyahara
“…the movement of the mind towards silence, rather than towards things.” Donna Fahri
Commonly referred to as the ‘forgotten limb’, Pratyahara can be a tricky concept to explain.
This beautiful, Sanskrit word is generally translated as “withdrawal of the senses”, and its meaning is often regarded as a bridge between the more physical aspects of the first four limbs, and the later ones - which are said to be more spiritually focused.
One of the reasons why The Yoga Letters is a monthly newsletter is because I am trying to observe the yama and niyama in my words, and particularly pratyhara.
Most of us - especially here in the West - live in an incredibly busy and constantly noisy world, with its endless demands on our only-human attention spans.
Much of the noise, an unnecessary demand on our mental space.
On our peace.
And, simply, I do not want to add to it.
I feel it goes against the core reason why I choose to create TYL in the first place, and why I keep writing it, and the reasons why many of you choose to be here, reading it.
It doesn't make me holy. No.
And I am really trying not to sound sanctimonious, but I think it is important to say it because it highlights the need, that we each have - as human beings - to create and protect empty time, space, and silence.
Not just within the physical, outside world but within ourselves too.
So, on that note, I am not going to say much more on it.
Because if we can just stop and listen - and if we can tolerate any discomfort that we feel from doing so - then we will meet ourselves, as we are.
The truth, as I see it (and as I believe yoga has taught for thousands of years), is that we already know whatever it is we feel we need to know, when we go searching high and low in desperation; as though there is something else we must do, gain, or understand.
In reality, the world will keep on spinning and changing and being as incomprehensible and astounding as ever, regardless of what we do or don't do.
And, let’s not forget that there are many powerful, unseen (and corrupt) forces at play.
But, underneath all of that, and of far greater power, there is magic, and beauty, and love.
There is you.
There is me.
There are all of the things that make this miraculous existence worthwhile.
And there is real power in remembering that.
It really isn't that complicated. I don't think.
We ‘just’ have to allow ourselves to be quiet…
In this moment, (because it is all that we have to play with)…
Hold ourselves still…
Breathe fully…
Notice the itchy feelings; the attempts of our conditioned minds to do something…
The endless, internal chatter…
See the programming that is not ours… not yours…
That was never yours…
For what it is…
An untruth…
Get to know who you really are…
Behold yourself in silence…
It is here where you will feel the oneness of all things…
Yourself included…
We are not separate…
We are not creatures of war, and cruelty, and division…
Do not let them make you forget it….
And remember again, and again, and again…
This is the practice of yoga.
With kindness,
Louisa x
“What lies before us and what lies behind us are small things compared to what lies within us.” David Thoreau
As with every issue, I’m always here and happy to chat.
Here are two further articles if you choose to read around the subject: Yoga Journal & Yoga International
But nothing beats exploring the wonders of your internal universe and coming to your own conclusions.
We are not separate...
Beautiful words! 💜
Love, love this one, Louisa! I felt every word, thank you for reminding me. And for the amazing playlist, too! Forever grateful for you! :)